Susanne Reffert


Professor for theoretical physics

Institute for Theoretical Physics
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics
University of Bern
Sidlerstr. 5
3012 Bern

Office: ExWi 129
Phone: +41 31 631 82 98
e-mail: sreffert at



  • QFTs in sectors of large charge
  • string theory (brane constructions, dualities)
  • supersymmetric gauge theories
  • relationships to integrable models

See also the institute webpage of Fields, Strings and Dualities.

My publications on INSPIRE.

Group Members

  • Dr. Meer Ashwinkumar (postdoc)
  • Adèle Le Borgne (PhD student)
  • Jesse Woods (PhD student)

My research group is supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


    There are currently no openings.
    If you are interested in doing your master thesis in my group, please contact me (however, there is no funding available). For Master students at U. Bern, the prerequisite for doing a Master thesis with me is having passed the QFT I and ACTP exams with at least grade 5.

Seminar: Fields and Strings

Spring Semester 25: Tuesdays 10:15-12:00 in room ExWi 119.
Fall Semester 24: Thursdays 14:15-15:15 in room ExWi B116.



Upcoming conferences and 1-day meetings:

Past conferences and 1-day meetings:

Towards realistic physics at large quantum number, May 13-17, 2024, Kavli IPMU (U. Tokyo).

Retreat at Villa Garbald, September 3-6 2023, Castasegna, Switzerland

SwissMAP String Theory Meeting (GeNeZiss), May 26, 2023, Bern.

Large Charge in Les Diablerets, 03.07.-08.07.2022, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

SwissMAP String Theory Meeting (GeNeZiss), May 13, 2022, Bern.

Strings, Fields and Holograms, 11.10.-15.10.2021, Monte Verità Conference Center – Ascona, Switzerland

Focus Week on Quantum Mechanical Systems at Large Quantum Number, 7.-11.6.2021, IPMU, Japan.

SwissMAP String Theory Meeting (GeNeZiss), Nov 29, 2019, Bern.

Quantum-Mechanical Systems at Large Quantum Number, 26.8.-20.9.2019, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook NY

SwissMAP String Theory Meeting (GeNeZiss), May 24, 2019, Bern.

Women at the intersection of Mathematics and High Energy Physics, 18.-20.2.2019, University of Geneva.

SwissMAP String Theory Meeting (GeNeZiss), Nov 30, 2018, Bern.

Supersymmetric theories, dualities and deformations 2018, July 16-18 2018, Bern.

AEC Women in HEP Day, May 23, 2018, Bern.

Supersymmetric theories, dualities and deformations 2016, July 4-6 2016, Bern.
